
A white-collar employee by day, a freelance writer by night and a coffeeholic in between. Yep! That’s me!



I am Cheryl de Torres, a freelancer from the Philippines. I started this website way back August 2018 to curate all the content I have written for different niches.

These niches include the wedding, real estate, home improvement, technology, coffee, general health, lifestyle, sustainable living, and entertainment.

For more than three years, I support small to medium enterprises. I write meaningful, SEO-optimized, original content for brands to help them connect with their audiences.

I also enjoy assisting start-up businesses. One of the tasks I handled is to manage their social media accounts – to raise brand awareness and following. Most of the time, I design the graphics for posting using Canva and Pixlr.

If I am not in my writing cave. You can find me reading Webtoon comics. I am also fond of browsing online about the content I have read on Facebook to see if those content present facts or is it another hoax. Likewise, I hang out in Yahoo News to read local and international news.

Other times, I am lurking on YouTube looking for simple dishes that I can cook at home. Especially during the quarantine times in the Philippines.



If you’re looking for a writer to create content, repurpose your YouTube and Instagram content for blogging purposes, search leads for your cold emailing or in need of consistent blog posts for your site, here’s my current availability:

Availability: 25 hrs/week, 5 hours per day